When you have a full schedule, it can be easy to go through your week looking at all of the thing you have to do and become a little negative about how busy you are or how little free time your schedule contains. When we get into this mode, everything seems like a drudgery and we can begin to speak negatively about everything we’re doing. The major problem here is that what you verbalize makes a big impact on your mood and overall attitude. When you speak negativity over your day, your day will feel very negative. If you learn to begin to speak more positively, you will inevitably begin to feel more positive about everything that you’re doing. Here are a few tips for thinking and speaking differently about your life. Watch how it can change your attitude.
Positive Vocabulary
When you’re speaking to others or even to yourself about your life, remove phrasing that makes you the victim. Instead of saying that you have to go to work today, shift your mindset and begin telling yourself that you get to go to work today. Really, it’s a privilege to have a job. Some don’t have that privilege right now and it’s essential not to treat your blessings as if they were curses. Here are a few more examples of how to change your thinking to be more positive:
- I’m not busy. I have a full schedule. – Saying that you’re busy indicates that you’re schedule runs YOU. Saying that you have a full schedule indicates that, though your schedule is full, you are the one that’s in charge and you’re managing it with intention and purpose.
- I don’t have to go grocery shopping. I get to go grocery shopping. – It’s such a blessing that you have the ability to go grocery shopping whenever you want. You have a grocery budget and you have a grocery store just a few minutes away. It’s great that eating a steak doesn’t require that you spend an enormous amount of time hunting!
- I don’t have to go for a run. I get to go for a run. – Some people physically cannot do what you and I neglect to do on a regular basis. It’s a privilege to have a healthy body and have the opportunity to maintain good health through physical activity.
I could go on and on but I think you get the picture.
The key is beginning this shift in your life simply starts with being aware of the things you’re saying and thinking. Then make the effort to replace all of those have to’s with get to’s. There are certainly things that you have to do, but working toward shifting to a more positive way of thinking will make a big different in what you feel about the things that you actually do have to do.