The American Psychological Association frequently conducts polls to establish a clear picture of stress levels and their causes in America. Of these, the most recent has determined that many Americans are worried about the trajectory of the country. This is terrible news for companies because stress is a fighting force against productive and happiness at work. So, how do we get passed our anxiety? Here are a few tips for moving away from stress and into a happier and healthier version of yourself.
Reduce News Consumption
As you know, the news is full of negativity. Sure, it’s important to know what’s going on in our country and around the world, but it’s not an effective way to unwind. Negative information will always increase your anxiety and induce worry. If you want to reduce stress in your life, limit how often and how long you take in the negative news of the world.
Reduce Interaction with Negative People
We all have those negative people in our lives. Maybe it’s a relative or a coworker. Either way, those people can be very anxiety boosting. They can physically zap you of your energy and are very emotionally draining. If at all possible, avoid having a lot of interaction with these individuals and surround yourself with people who will lift you up and keep you thinking positively.
Engage in Restful Activity
In place of that “leisurely” news reading, engage in some healthy and restful activity. Do something that makes you feel refreshed and recharged. This could be exercise, spending quality time with friends and family, cooking dinner with some of your favorite music playing or even taking time for a pleasurable read. Whatever it is that makes you feel recharged, invest more time there rather than in the stressors in your life.