According to immigration experts, Boston’s interest in a municipal ID card program could open the door for individuals attempting to create multiple fraudulent identities to stop sharing information with law enforcement. (
Jessica Vaughn from the Center of Immigration Studies stated, “These [municipal ID cards] are not benign, they give people the ability to create alternate identities, it helps them escape detection. The problems created by these cards more than outweigh any benefits to people.”
According to a Request for Proposals that was released, Boston is looking to examine the demand for municipal ID cards and research the feasability of implementing a municipal ID Card program. The cost of the study is expected to be anywhere from $80,000 to $100,000, which is an amount that has already been budgeted.
Once the demand for the cards has been evaluated, the intention is to develop several models for what the ID card program could look like.
In order for the program to work properly, it would need to be in compliance with Boston’s Trust Act which would bar Boston police from being able to hold an individual based on their immigration status.
According to Vaughn, this could lead to departments having information about potential terror suspects and not being able to share that information with the proper authorities. She went on to say that creating IDs for individuals who do not have identification would force a reliance upon the word of the applicant. This opens the door for scam artists to operate freely.
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