In some cases, when considering the overall costs of ID cards, there is a significant factor that is often overlooked. Especially for localized multi-site organizations such as mid-sized to large municipalities. This hidden factor is the cost of travel for employees who may have been hired in one office and have to travel across town to get their cards printed.
How Does Traveling Add to the ID Cards Budget?
Of course this will not apply to everyone, but in many cities, round-trip travel could take as much as 2-4 hours. In some cases that could equate to up to $100 of expense that was unaccounted for in the budget. If you’re in a situation similar to this, outsourcing your ID cards is your best bet. It would practically eliminate this hidden cost in addition to saving your employees the travel time!
If you’re currently printing your cards in house and would like more information about making the switch to outsourcing, give us a call! We would love to assist you in finding the perfect solution! Call (866) 610-4308