Though the railway administration made efforts to simplify the process of issuing photo ID cards to disabled individuals, Indian activists have appealed that the procedures be expedited even further. (
In order to obtain the ID cards, those who are applying must provide multiple documents, including a disabled ID that is government issued and to certificate from the hospital. Once they are verified, the ID cards are distributed. These ID cards will help disabled individuals to book tickets in person or online.
Stage general secretary of the Tamil Nadu Udavikkaram Association for the Welfare of Differently Abled, K. Gopinath, said, “The process is cumbersome and should be simplified.”
Officials noted that they didn’t believe the process was tedious and even insisted that it wasn’t necessary for applicants to come in person at all. However others have mentioned that, though the process isn’t very tedious, applicants have had to wait for very long periods of time.
Officials who have supposedly checked to verify these details personally have assured that the ID cards are being issued as early as they possibly can. However, its noted that some applicants have had to wait as long as three months to receive their cards when they should really be issued in two weeks time or less.
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