The majority of ID card designs that we see here at Fullidentity are done with a graphics based format. This is a great method because it’s quite versatile in its scalability and color variety. Because if this, many do not consider the option of using a background image on their ID cards. Though the image could present some limitations in color and scalability, it can provide a very unique and appealing look that can set you apart from the rest!
Using a background image is a great fit for those who want to give a clearer picture of their location, industry or values. For instance, if you’re in the business of classic car restoration, you may want to use a photo of your best work to reinforce your quality and style.
If you choose to go this route, here are a few tips:
- Use a Professional Quality Photo – Professional photographers know how to focus the image on the right things, making the image appealing to those who see it. A standard smartphone photo will not do. You must have a image with good lighting and an appealing background. For instance, a more candid photo may show trash, spare tools, people or other random objects in the background. This is something that you want to avoid because it makes a photo look unprofessional.
- Consider the Image Size – The image must be large enough to produce a high quality print. Preferably the background image should be 300dpi by 1100px or greater.
- Consider Image Margin – If possible, use an image that has its focal point in the center so that the outside edges of the image can be faded or blurred without distorting what is most important. This will allow for smooth transitions from the image into your other graphic elements.
If you would like to give it a shot but don’t know how to make it work, give us a call! We would love to assist you ing finding the perfect background image and design for your ID cards! Call (866) 610-4308